We would like to introduce you to our firm, Custou K.M.Saddlery. Holster made by K.M.Saddlery have their own distinct quality: They are produced by hand from used material utilizing technology created exlusively by this firm. These holsters, developed from the practical experience of gun handlers, are constructed with the ease of grasping and quickly draving the gun in mind. The construction o the holster was also chosen to ensure, with mawimum safety considerations, the weapon doesńt fall out becoms inadvertently discharged. A specialty od K.M. Saddlery is crafting holsters by hand based on special request, so that the gun has an axact fit in the holster and can be drawn outwith ease. Thanks to this craftmansip, the outside of the holster has a distinct quality that separates it form competing products. During production, emphasis is always given to the sievice life of the holster. Thatś why K.M.Saddlery uses only the finest quality saddler leather for constructing these holsters. The service life is this guaranteed over the course of using holster. The basics material for the production of the K.M.Saddlery holsters are quality 3 mm thick cowhide tanned by the all-natural"vegetable" method. Thorough dying with clean, natural products real, lasting color, without worry of in running on to clothes. Various technologies are used throughout the production process to guard against jeopardizing or damaging the enviroment.